Athletic Sports Names & Numbers: Heat Transfers are the Best Option

Insta Stock Numbers Flyer.inddHere’s a tip from Chris Pluck, Insta’s Business Development Director and transfer guru:  There will always be business for Athletic Names & Sports Numbers embellishments. Whether its for Athletic Track & Sports Teams, School & University Uniforms, Gym & Work Out or any apparel that is associated with team events, the multiple name and number variations will never cease to be a basic imaging of textiles staple.

With placement of the sports number, large or small, with or without an accompanying name or logo, the chosen image is ideally suited for heat transfer application, as the placement of the transfers on the garment fabric will often be in multiple places on each garment.

It is a lot quicker and easier to apply heat transfers to these difficult to access parts of the garment, basically because the heat press can even out the imperfections of the garment prior to placement and pressing of the transfer.

This is especially true if a team requiring the transfers need only a small amount of transfers. If the graphics were direct printed on a finished garment, the structure of the garment makes it more difficult for the direct printer to easily apply the ink to small areas on the garment such as the sleeves, neck & pockets.

A good choice of heat transfer for Athletic / Sports names and numbers is the Insta Graphic Superflex HP™ transfer. Superflex transfers are ideally suited for adhesion to difficult substrates and can be used with coarse or textured materials to produce an opaque and durable transfer finish.

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